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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

From Womb to Tomb: Hospicio de San Jose's Legacy, Service and Commitment

May 29, 2013, Wednesday.

I and my bosses (Sir RCS (our SVP) and Sir Gerry (my manager) were scheduled to do a field meeting in one of the property we are interested in. I arrived in the office today before 8:00 and to my surprise Sir Gerry met me in the lobby and told me that we are about to leave and RCS is coming near in office. I want to leave my bag in my cubicle but since we are in hurry I opted to bring it with me though it is a bit heavy. 

We  went to  Hospicio de San Jose, an orphanage located in an island at Pasig River. Also along Ayala bridge of Manila City . To give you background of Hospicio here are some by Coylee Gamboa,
"Cradled on a verdant island in the middle of the Pasig River is Hospicio de San Jose, home to babies, children, adults and elderly persons who have no other home in this world.
For 200 years, this charitable institution has accepted the poorest of the poor and families in crisis, and has sheltered them, fed them, clothed them, educated them, cared for them when they were sick or wounded, and helped them go on in this world. For infants and the children, able and not so able, they found families or restored them to their own whenever possible, and when neither was possible, harbored them for life and buried them when they passed away.
The Daughters of Charity, who have faithfully managed this institution for 145 years, have, in keeping with their Vincentian vows, loved Christ in the needy, for Christ said, "Whatever you do for the least of my brethren, you do unto me."
Within the walls of Hospicio, a.k.a. the House of St. Joseph, the Daughters of Charity and all who serve alongside them have found not only enough challenges to keep them busy, but also fulfillment in their calling, joy in service and gratitude for the amazing opportunity to see the hand of God at work daily for they live by His Providence."

Facade of Main Building wherein guests were catered.

Mabini Shrine: Tour in the house of the Brain of Philippine Revolution

I'm a proud graduate of a state run and premiere public university famous for student activism, Polytechnic University of the Philippines(PUP). Graduated 3 years ago, but still I got chances to visit my beloved ALMA MATER since it's just a trolley(a wooden improvised buggy running through the railways) away from our place. Also, I want to be updated and see what is current in the university. 

This time, I visited the Campus for GWA cetificate (Grade weighted Average) as part of requirement to my Master's Degree application. I came at 11 AM, expecting that I would just claim it and I have not to fall in line anymore, but PUP system as it was acronym-ed Pila Ulit Pila still  remain. Sadly, lunch break reached me and they closed the line. Yes, that was disappointing but I know I have something to do with it. If only i have come earlier. My supposedly half day absence at work became a whole day. 

And to ease my dismay, I relieve my self with food and went around the campus to see what is new and to kill time until the line open. My feet brought me in a shrine. It is the house of Apolinario Mabini here in Manila. A local of Talaga, Tanawan in province of Batangas, the young Mabini studied his Law education in University of Sto. Tomas in 1894, and the house served his shelter on time of his stay in the city. The house was owned by named Cecilio Del Rosario and Maxima Castañeda. 

In collaboration, of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines(NHCP) and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) the shrine was established into its final place. 

Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery and Bunga Falls Sidetrip

May 26, 2013, Sunday

My first travel alone!

NAGCARLAN, Laguna -- From the gimik last night, I got  home at almost 2AM (that  was so late!!) eventhough I know that I have to wake up early for my weekend escape. Weeks before, I set up my mind and my self to my trip going to Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery in the Province of Laguna. I supposed to be with Dewi (an outdoor buddy) but unfortunately she wasn't able to proceed because she's not feeling well. However, that doesn't stopped me from pursuing this travel. I know in my part, I was also considering to cancel it because I'm not used to travel all by my self. Parang  ang boring lang kasi and I feel pity  to my self!!! 

I woke  up as early as 6 AM,  to prepare everything (camera, chicha, and water to drink) and leave at 7 AM. 

I was at the Jacliner bus terminal at 8 AM and departed at exact 9 AM. Hindi ganun kadami ang pasahero that's why I had a convenient travel  going in San Pablo City, Laguna (the city of seven lakes). The bus fare is P125. (still affordable)

San Pablo City Church. It is under  renovation that time. The dome of the church quite resembles the dome of Saint Paul's Cathedral designed by Sir Christopher Wren. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Not My Ordinary Weekend, Full Packed!!!

May 4, 2013 Saturday, Company Outreach Activity!!!

I started my weekend by waking up early 5:00 o'clock in the morning preparing for my company's outreach program. Lead by the Marketing Department, we did the community interaction in Payatas at Quezon City. The activity has allot 50 slots only for volunteers among the thousand employees. On the first day  of announcement, I immediately posted my  name to include on the list  and then invited my department office-mate to join also.

The meet up place was in our main office. We departed at 7:30 AM, a bit late because we have waited the other participants. We took  the trip  for 1  1/2 hour, the location was a former  dump site and near to current dump site. The project was part of Habitat for Humanity a non-government organization  known for helping the urban poor with cooperation of Quezon City local government.



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